The FLAME OF LOVE of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement, IRELAND
Latest News and Updates
Celebrate Holy Mass with us to honour theFeast of the Flame of Love, the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple & Candlemas
Holy Mass will be celebrated Sunday 2nd February at 5 pm in the Sacred Heart Church, Cork
All are welcome in person:
Sacred Heart Church, Western Road, Cork T12 TN80
or to join via webcam, copy and past the following link in your web browser:
Thank you to all who participated in the Novena Prayers in preparation of the Feast of the Flame of LoveTo continue to pray and spread the Flame of Love of our Mother’s Immaculate Heart, please join in our online cenacles in-person cenacles around the country (contact us to see if one is near you) or join our 4 daily Flame of Love Rosaries. Please contact us if you have any questions and feel free to download and share the Flame of Love prayers with others. download buttons are at the top of this page |

The Flame of Love Irish Apostolate Theme for 2025 - 'Be a Match'

The following Diary quote is the inspiration for 2025’s theme …
“In the afternoon, I lit a match to make a fire. The Lord Jesus surprised me again with His words.
Jesus: You see, beloved, you are like this match. My Divine Hands have lit you because I wanted this, and you will ignite the whole world like a single match because God wants it so. You are a small instrument, just like the little match that you hold in your hand. Do not be surprised by what I tell you. With one strike of the match, I will enkindle in millions of souls the Flame of Love of My Mother. Satan’s fire will be unable to extinguish this Flame. In vain, he prepares his burning iniquities coming from his terrible hatred. One single match that My Mother strikes will blind him, and you will serve as My Mother’s instrument”
(The Spiritual Diary, January 16, 1966, pp. 272-273).
This theme is a call to action for us – to spread the effect of grace – and, thereby, convert/save humanity! Grace is powerful and necessary for this moment in salvation history. Our Heavenly parents need us the be the spark because it is through our lives—our prayers, sacrifices, and the desires of our hearts—that we spread and ignite the Flame of Love in the hearts of others – for every heart in need, throughout Ireland and the world.
May the Flame that was lit in Derry Ireland and in many places around Ireland and the world, continue to ignite the hearts for love for Jesus to blind Satan and unite us in love.
If you have any questions and/or want to see how you can help, to continue to spread Our Mother’s Flame of Love, please email or

The Irish Flame of Love Prayer Booklet, 2nd Edition IS NOW AVAILABLE.
Email To Order Copies or use the button below.

If you would like to bring the Flame of Love to your parish and/or prayer group … let us know!
We are available and ready to bring the Flame of Love across all of Ireland. To do this, it would help if we were invited into parishes. If you would like:
- Talks in Parishes & Prayer Groups
- Invite the Pilgrim Statue to your parish/home/prayer group
- Flame of Love Candle Ceremony
- Start a Flame of Love Cenacle (Prayer group) or Rosary in your home or parish
Bishop Arulselvam Rayappan, Bishop of the Diocese of Salem India
His Lordship attended the 2024 Extraordinary International Congress for the Flame of Love OIHM Movement in Singapore 1st – 7th March 2024
Pictured Here with: Kielty Oberlin, PhD, National Coordinator Ireland & Liz Ansah, National Coordinator UK
Read More about the 2024 International Extraordinary Congress in Singapore HERE
His Lordship has many resources available on YouTube. Click here for Bishop Rayappan’s Old and New Testament Bible Readings.