Registration is now OPEN (until 18/4/23) for our 2nd All-Ireland Conference in Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry, Co Down on 5-6th May 2023 to gather together to share in Prayer, Fellowship & Formation. All are Welcome but Registration is Required.
You will find below: Instructions for the 2 Step Registration (with a breakdown of costs) Payment followed by our Conference Agenda. If you previously pre-registered, please follow the same instructions for registration and payment contained in this email. We will send a more itemised agenda and information about Dromantine Retreat Centre once registration is completed.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email us. We pray that we see as many of you on the 5-6th of May 2023 as possible. It will be a blessed opportunity to support one another in living and spreading the Flame of Love throughout our country and beyond. And finally, we ask for your prayers for the success of this event and look forward to hearing and meeting you.
God Bless,
On Behalf of The Leadership Working Group
AGENDA will Include:
We ask for your prayers for the success of the gathering of Our Lady’s Flame of Love Devotees in Ireland and look forward to hearing from you.
The 3rd Retreat HAS BEEN MOVED TO 28th JANUARY 2023 at 1:00 PM
The Third Session of our Four-Part Retreat Series – BUILDING ON SOLID ROCK was postponed from the 14th to the 28th of JANUARY 2023 at 1:00 PM. The date was moved because of the illness of John Sullivan. He is now on the mend and we pray for his continued healing.
The presentation, led by John Sullivan, International Assistant Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement, will run a little over two hours. Those who can stay are invited to then join us to pray the Flame of Love Rosary and the Chaplet of the Adored Jesus.
In the 3rd part of the Series, we will take a deep dive into the Unity Prayer as the “Why” of Salvation. One cannot overestimate the importance of the Unity Prayer. It is not just the heart of the Flame of Love Movement but it is the heart of all Christianity. Join us as we explore the binding love that is the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and how it fundamentally changes our relationship with God. We will examine from the scriptures many examples of distorted relationships with God – distortions which we may find painfully familiar. We will see how literally Jesus IS the way and how union with Him IS salvation. It is only in this context that we can properly understand the practices of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Flame of Love itself.
With the breath-taking pace at which our Blessed Mother is spreading the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart around the world, it is important that those doing the blessed work of spreading it understand it well so information is conveyed accurately. Frankly, it is not necessary to understand the Flame of Love in order to pass it heart to heart but it is helpful especially as we encounter more priests and bishops who are interested.
This series will provide a solid grounding for the Flame of Love at the heart of the Church. The Flame of Love is all about Grace – it is the greatest outpouring of graces since the Word was made flesh. If we do not understand Grace, we will not understand the Flame of Love. If we do not understand what Salvation is, we will not understand Grace. This series will give the overview of Salvation, the role of Grace and thus the critical importance of the Flame of Love to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus as the effect of Grace.
If you registered for either of the previous sessions, you do not need to re-register. The link and Handouts will be sent by email the day before the event to anyone who has registered. We hope to see you all there. Also, please feel free to share this invitation to family and friends.
2022 was a significant year for Our Lady’s Flame of Love Movement in Ireland! The Movement ‘officially launched’ in Dromantine Retreat Centre in Newry, N. Ireland on the 7th of May during our first All-Ireland, in-person Conference. (See our Statues for more information on the organisation of the Movement). This was the first time that devotees who had been praying together during COVID lockdowns were finally able to meet face-to-face.
Since that time, the working group has continued to strive to respond to Our Lady’s call to spread her Flame far and wide. We are in the process of establishing the Flame of Love Movement as an Irish Charity (which is still pending) and coordinating more efficient communication with all who are interested in learning more about the Flame of Love (our Emails, Website, WhatsApp Groups, and Social Media Platforms – Facebook & Instagram). Read more about the Flame of Love Movement Ireland on the ABOUT PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE
In April 2022, Ireland’s Flame of love Movement was invited to participate in the International Cenacles which are hosted by the Flame of Love Philippines Movement. These cenacles take place every Friday night at 1am in the summertime, and 12am (Midnight) in winter. This is a beautiful way to participate with others while doing a night vigil. You will find the links (Facebook or YouTube options) to the Live Streams on theHomepage of Our Website under International Cenacles.
In May 2022, the international community led by the Philippines, introduced the 2000 Hail Marys’ in honour of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This event takes place on the 8th of every month. Ireland are very happy to be part of this special devotion. We are always looking for volunteers to pray 100 Flame of Love Hail Mary’s to represent our assigned Irish times. If you would like to lead or respond, please let us know. Alternatively, anyone may participate via the Facebook and YouTube Livestream every 8th of the Month. Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram for the links.
In October 2022, the International Flame of Love family introduced a Global Thursday Holy Hour of Reparation to Jesus. This takes place at 10pm on – EVERY THURSDAY. As the clock moves to 10PM in each time zone around the world, Flame of Love Members may join in this room to honour Our Ladys’ request to “Offer a very special reparation to my Divine Son, Adore Him with great fervour, making reparation for the many offences inflicted upon Him.” (Diary pg. 25)
October 2022 also marked the First of our 4-PART FORMATION RETREAT SERIES of EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) online ‘Building on Solid Rock’. These formation retreats are led by John Sullivan and take place on the second Saturday of each month at 1pm Irish Time. The purpose of these live streamed, recorded talks is to grow in understanding and love of the Flame of Love so that we may more effectively spread the effect of grace to others.
In November 2022 we started praying 4 DAILY FLAME OF LOVE ROSARIES, 6 days a week. This is strengthening us in our daily prayer and growing our apostolate. This has proved to be very popular from the start. We took a break for the Christmas Octave and resumed on the 2nd January.MARY: “Whenever someone does adoration in a spirit of atonement or visits the Blessed Sacrament, as long as it lasts, Satan loses his dominion on the parish souls.”6-7 November 1962)
GOALS for 2023
As we enter this new year, we pray that Our Lady’s Flame of Love continues to spread into parishes throughout our country. Internationally there is a strong emphasis to reach out to MEN and YOUTH. We also pray that more and more devotees introduce Our Lady’s Flame into parishes and other ministries. We have prepared INFORMATION PACKETS that can be shared with priests and bishops and prayer group coordinators in order to help facilitate this. These can be found on our website on the CHURCH APPROVAL page. We are always happy to help in any way that we can.
We also encourage anyone who has not yet registered to receive email updates to either do so on our contact form on the website.
MARY: “My little Carmelite, I ask you to continually increase your desire for my Flame of Love…With my Flame of Love, I want to make the home come alive again with love. I want to unite families that are scattered.” (8 August 1962)
Our Blessed Mother is calling you to spread the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart to drive out evil by the effect of grace!
Announcing “Building on Solid Rock” – a Monthly online Flame of Love Retreat series hosted by John Sullivan, Assistant International Coordinator of the Flame of Love Movement. The first of the four part series begins on Saturday 12th November 2022 at 1PM to 3PM and will be hosted LIVE on the USA YouTube Channel, Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary United States.
This 4-part, monthly online series will be a deep dive into the prayers and practices of the Flame of Love in light of the gospel, the scriptures, and the teachings of the Church to help you spread the Flame of Love to your family, friends, neighbours, and priests.
MARY: “My Flame of Love will blind Satan to the same extent that all of you spread it around the world.”
Attendance is free but registration is required to receive the participation materials. To register, email your interest to
We will email you the participation materials before each event.
We pray that we see many of you there as we delve more deeply into our Lady’s Flame of Love. You May download the IRISH PDF Here if you would like to share this invitation with others.
MARY: “Put immediately into action the outpouring of graces of my Flame of Love. To your group, I give a wonderful strength to all and to each one in particular. Your responsibility is great but your work will not be in vain. There must not be a single soul missing in this common effort. The soft light of my Flame of Love will light up, spreading fire over the entire surface of the earth. Satan, humiliated and reduced to powerlessness, will not be able to exercise his power. However, do not seek to prolong these birth pangs.”
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement ‘officially launched’ at our first All-Ireland Conference on 7 May 2022 in Newry, N. Ireland.
This was the first time that devotees who had been praying together during COVID lockdowns throughout the preceding year were able to meet face-to-face after Paul Ogelsby first introduced Virtual Cenacles to Ireland (with help from the USA and Canadian Movements and John Sullivan III, The International Director of Communication and Dissemination – who many may recognise from The Flame of Love training videos).
The Conference was organised by a small volunteer working group and John Sullivan – who travelled to Ireland from his home in the USA fir this official launch. The first National Director, Kielty Oberlin, and the whole leadership team was announced at the Conference in Newry. (Geraldine Halton, Secretary; Joe Sheehan, Treasurer; Frances Devaney, Spokesperson and Eileen Boden, Spokesperson). Others who were part of the working group included; Marie B Kelly, Dymphna Largey and Alice Gibson.
Since that time, the working group has continued to heed Our Lady’s call to spread her Flame far and wide. We are in the process of establishing the Flame of Love Movement as an Irish Charity and coordinating more efficient communication with all who are interested in learning more about the Flame of Love (this website is one of these methods). We are also making sure to build a database of all interested in hearing about latest developments (Including: our upcoming Formation Retreats, Thursday Global Reparation Hours, introducing New Cenacles through email, social media and a newsletter). Please fill out our contact form so that you are sure to hear about what is happening within the Flame of Love Movement in Ireland and beyond! Please let us know if you have begun an in-person Flame of Love Prayer Cenacle (or would like to) and we are grateful to help.