by Geraldine Halton on January 2023

In Preparation for the FEAST DAY of the FLAME OF LOVE OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, on 2nd February (which is shared with Candlemas), we will begin to pray our 9-Day Flame of Love Novena on Tuesday January 24th. The Novena will finish on Wednesday, 1st February which is the Vigil of the FEAST DAY and also St. Brigid’s Day.
The intention for this 2023 Novena is to promote the spread of the Flame of Love into more and more Irish Parishes with a special focus on men and youth.
We will pray each day of the Novena Prayers at our usual online Cenacles in the, folirlcar23 Room and at the 8pm Rosary in the, folirlrosaryea Room.
The NOVENA DAILY MEDITATIONS can also be found in Section Three of our IRISH FLAME OF LOVE REFERENCE BOOK OF PRAYERS and accessed on the HOMEPAGE of our website or simply by CLICKING HERE
MARY: “Put immediately into action the outpouring of graces of my Flame of Love. To your group, I give a wonderful strength to all and to each one in particular. Your responsibility is great but your work will not be in vain. There must not be a single soul missing in this common effort. The soft light of my Flame of Love will light up, spreading fire over the entire surface of the earth. Satan, humiliated and reduced to powerlessness, will not be able to exercise his power. However, do not seek to prolong these birth pangs.”
Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann, 27 November 1963