Welcome everyone to our June newsletter. We have had a very busy time since our last newsletter – mainly getting ready for our first ever conference in Knock. What a blessing! We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped make the conference such a success, all those who guided and advised us along the way, our speakers, John Sullivan III, Antoinette Moynihan, Kathy Sinnott, Brother John Benedict Torres Encio, Christine O’Hara, Fr. Joseph Fazio, LC and our own Kielty Oberlin and Frances Devaney. We would also like to thank Fr. Terry O’Connor and Fr. Con Doherty for being with us and concelebrating Mass with Fr. Joseph Fazio, LC. We would like to thank our attendees who travelled from near and far and thank Pauline Gallagher and Eileen Boden for providing the music during Mass and the whole weekend and to the whole Flame of love family who all helped in various ways.

Knock Conference 2024 Review
This time of year, students have prepared and have been showing what they have learned. For our recent conference a lot of preparation was required. Sometimes it felt overwhelming, but, in Our Lady’s hands it all came together beautifully. What did we learn from it?

From an organisational point of view there were many learnings we will take forward into next year’s preparation. Though this was our third annual conference, this year it felt like it moved to a higher level, with so many external speakers and many new attendees outside of the core group of regular Flame of Love devotees. This one felt like a full national conference with all the organisational challenges that came with it.

We learned from Kathy Sinnott about the close historic, cultural and religious links between Hungary and Ireland. Hungary, the shining light in Europe, can help relight the Flame of faith here again. Christine O’Hara told us that in the modern world children are bombarded and are looking for solace and gave evidence that even in this technological age, they are finding peace in the rosary and in adoration. Antoinette Moynihan reminded us that in the simplicity of the silence of children’s adoration, each child can appreciate the opportunity to develop a relationship with Jesus and gain deep insights which are sometimes expressed in remarkable ways. Brother John Benedict Torres Encio’s link from the Flame of Love Movement in the Philippines showed us that despite technological challenges, we can feel part of the worldwide family of faith. It is good sometimes to realise that we are journeying with others in a way that transcends geography and time zones.

For me personally from day 1 in St John’s Centre, Fr Joseph Fazio’s leading of the mediated rosary was the perfect ending of the day. We were blessed to have three priests in attendance through the weekend, especially at the Flame of Love Mass on Saturday morning.

The Adoration Chapel in Knock on Saturday morning seemed to be the place selected by heaven for a Flame of Love Mass. The Lamb of God we were about to receive, the Word of God we were about to absorb, the gaze of our Blessed Mother, the support of St Joseph were all depicted behind the altar. It felt like we were at home. The celebration of Holy Mass was also enhanced by our Flame of Love choir led by Eileen Boden and Pauline Gallagher (Flame of Love OIHMM Scotland). Even, the uncomfortable situation after Mass where we needed to leave at short notice, cutting short the prayer to receive the Flame of Love, seemed fitting. Maybe was a required humiliation? (No time for self-congratulation or resting in a sense of achievement. Go out, spread the Flame of Love. As it says in the diary (pg. 75), the reward of our work is not a worldly reward. Seek and love humiliation. Do not think about rest.
Many of us have heard John’s addresses before and his exploration of the teachings that underpin the Flame of Love. But we always need to go deeper, to understand at a new level over time. You may find some of John’s talks on our Irish Flame of Love YouTube Channel. This certainly happened in Knock. For some hearing John speak, it was a new way of looking at the tenets of faith they knew but hadn’t quite thought of in that way before. For more of us, our understanding took that little step further. We are growing but we need to grow more.

When we deepen our understanding, we ask what are we really saying when we pray the Unity Prayer? Jesus must fill us entirely and the effect of this grace must be passed from person to person. Like the priest says at the offertory, through the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in His Divinity who humbled himself to share in our humanity. I must decrease. He must increase. Like the water filling the glass, we must fill ourselves with Jesus. As we read from St Paul in the cenacles, ‘that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’
We were reminded of the need the world is in. Things have never been worse. What is it all about? The salvation of souls. How do we save souls? Through desire, prayer, sacrifice; by uniting these to the sacrifice of Christ. As St Paul said, ‘to complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.’ The way to save souls is the way of The Cross. May our hands gather in unity. Gather souls for Him by taking up whatever cross each day offers. It doesn’t have to be rushing into the burning building to save someone. Someday we may be asked to do that but for most, it’s what opportunities come our way each day. It may just be taking the bruised banana or eating the piece of cake for the good of the other’s health.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in an interview in 2015 said we exist not for ourselves, but for others. Along with Christ, we live for others. With the Lord we have encountered in the Eucharist, we go forth and render visible the coming of God in Christ. Faith is not an idea. It is a way of life. The Flame of Love is not a devotion but a way of living. Jesus is the I am. We need to be as Jesus is.
Written by Joe Sheehan, National Treasurer, Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement IRELAND

Reports from John Sullivan III’s speaking
tour of Ireland – from 21st – 27th May 2024
PAULSTOWN, Co. Kilkenny – Tuesday 21st May
John’s first talk took place in Paulstown, Co Kilkenny at the Church of the Assumption. The Power of The Flame of Love was really visible that evening as such a large group of people (approx. 60 people) were moved to attend a Holy Mass preceded by the Flame of Love Rosary and followed by a John’s talk about the Amazing Graces and Blessings attached to the Flame of Love. Fr Eugene celebrated a wonderful Mass and the music and singing were anointed.

John Sullivan spoke with not only knowledge attained from a book, but from his own heart. It was very clear for all who attended as to why John is the International Co-ordinator for the Flame of Love.
John spoke of Our Lady wanting this Movement to be spread like “Wildfire”. This was certainly true for Eugene and Aisling Kealy who were asked if they could possibly organise a venue for John to speak around midnight on the Saturday night and yet by Sunday (Pentecost Sunday), they had the poster up and circulating. Our Lady gathered her children to hear for themselves of the real power of her Immaculate Heart which is burning with desire to be spread near and far. This Flame of Love is the love in her heart for Jesus and, indeed, Our Lady always points us to her Son. This Flame of Love is the real Love of His most Sacred Heart.
Most attending were already familiar and praying the Unity prayer which blinds Satan, Praise God! But, John spoke of Elizabeth Kindelmann, a hard-working, humble Hungarian mother who lived a very difficult life and received heavenly messages and was directed to put those in writing. It was evident that on hearing John speak so eloquently about Elizabeth’s life that many afterwards were moved to rush to buy her Spiritual Diaryin the hallway after his talk.
John spoke of Elizabeth seeing two poor children that she had a desire for them to know about The Flame of Love. Our Lady showed Elizabeth that they received this Flame of Love because of her desire for them to receive it. John made this very powerful message very simple for all of us to grasp and understand. John spoke of our world in need of this real Flame of Love and of Heaven’s desire to Save Souls. He listed off country after country all over the world where this message is spreading like “Wildfire”.
Paulstown’s Prayer Group were blessed to have a Father and Daughter who, at a drop of a word, answered Our Lady’s call to help spread her Love and that of Her Son’s. They never do anything by half in Paulstown and that evening they even managed to have a huge, beautiful banner made up with the image of The Flame of Love.
Praise God for all who ‘Listened’ and ‘Heard Our Lady’s call’ to Paulstown and were very blessed to be present for Holy Mass, Adoration, Praise and Worship Music and Singing. Then we heard John Sullivan who was like a Flame Thrower spreading this message to all who had ears to hear with an open heart. Praise God and His Blessed Mother for this Message of Love which is needed in Our Own Hearts, Our Families, Our Country and Our World, Today!
Written by Kate Mulligan Doherty
John introduced his talk at the 10am Morning Mass in St Peter & St Paul’s Church in Portlaoise and invited those who wished to hear more about The Flame of Love OTIHM to stay after the mass.
John sprang into action and spoke again with passion and a real desire to speak directly to each person who had an open heart to hear. Approximately 40 people stayed initially to listen to a 60-minute talk about this powerful message.
John then invited anyone who was free to join him in a small room for a more detailed talk and to answer any questions.
Despite the short notice, a group of nine people attended and to my surprise Eugene Kealy from Paulstown, Co Kilkenny (where John had spoken the previous night) was present. Knowing that Eugene is a very busy businessman, I turned to him and asked, “What are you doing here?” His reply, spoke volumes, ” I was so busy with everything last night…..I came today because I wanted to be relaxed and hear John speaking properly for myself.”
John spoke to this small group with the same passion that he had spoken with to the large group in Paulstown the night before.
He gave our Mother’s message as if he was speaking it for the first time. He answered questions and spoke individually to anyone who wished to speak to him. He then took a few moments of silent prayer in front of the Tabernacle.
John didn’t stop there as he then joined five others for a cup of tea in the Parish Centre and answered more questions. He was on Fire with the Flame of Love Message. Numbers didn’t matter to John. Once there was One Heart present who was open to hearing, John was more than willing to speak. A real International Speaker for Heaven’s Message of LOVE.
Written by Kate Mulligan Doherty.
ROSCREA CENACLE – Wednesday 22nd May
Eighteen people attended the Flame of Love Cenacle in Roscrea led by John Sullivan III, International Co-ordinator for the Flame of Love, at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 22 May.
Seven people were from the Roscrea Flame of Love Cenacle, two from the Portlaoise Flame of Love and seven people were members of the Legion of Mary in Roscrea. Our Curate, Fr Autun, was also there.
John led a beautiful and prayerful cenacle and chose 4 readings from the Spiritual Diary about binding Satan. The feedback from all who attended was that it was a blessing to be united in prayer at the Flame of Love meeting. Everyone found the cenacle uplifting and empowering and said that the beautiful prayers touched their hearts. The word ‘unforgettable’ was used and they now had a greater awareness of Satan and evil in the world. Everyone was delighted to meet someone as knowledgeable and holy as John, and to have the opportunity to learn more about the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The evening finished with tea and tart, social mingling and Fr Autun had an opportunity to learn more about the Flame of Love as he chatted away to John.
Written by Marie Kelly, Literature Coordinator and leader of the Roscrea Cenacle
John gave an Introductory Talk on the Flame of Love in a room at the back of the Sacristy following the 10am mass. There were a group of approx. 20 people in attendance. All were ‘super’ engaged during the talk and asked questions as the talk proceeded.
The feedback was that the talk was very informative, interesting and was related by a very articulate speaker, John Sullivan, International Co-ordinator for the Flame of Love.
People were delighted to meet someone as knowledgeable as John. They were impressed by his calm demeanour which encouraged those present to pose many questions which John answered with great ease.
Those who attended the talk reported that John is an excellent teacher and that he speaks with great conviction and knowledge.
It was reported that people were delighted to learn more about the Flame of Love after praying the Unity prayer faithfully for 1-2 years.
It was clear to me that Our Lady of the Flame of Love was working through certain people in Corbally, Limerick to spread the Flame of Love. A second cenacle has just commenced in Limerick – in St. Nicholas Church, Westbury – thanks to Rachel and Alison Lowe. Plans are also afloat to start a Cenacle in Co. Clare.
Praise God for granting Our Lady the Miracle of the Flame of Love which is now spreading so rapidly throughout the world!
Thank you, Fr. Terry for your feedback and Marie Kelly for writing this section.
CLOGHROE, CO. CORK – Saturday evening Mass 25th May 2024
Looking in from the book stall in the porch at the back of the church in Cloghroe a deep sense of prayerfulness could be sensed. The Mass was well attended. Many came to hear John Sullivan speak. John spoke during the Mass for a short period and invited anyone that wanted to find out more about the Flame of Love to attend a gathering in a side room after Mass. The children’s voices in the choir sang ‘Light the Fire’. One could sense the Holy Spirit was active in a special way. Fr Paddy Buckley PP and Fr Con Doherty SHM concelebrated the Mass, which enhanced the worship.
In the side room afterwards about 30 people gathered for tea and to listen to John teach. From those who were completely new to the Flame of Love to those more seasoned devotees, everybody was engaged, and all learned more about what their faith really is about. One man who has been involved for some time with the Flame of Love commented that he now ‘gets it’, now he understands better what this is about. There was the added bonus of hearing John sign off with a rendition of Ave Maria.
People buzzed afterwards. It wouldn’t have taken much to encourage them to go out and proclaim the Good News to the world. If the air in that room that night could have been bottled and dropped as drops of oil on the nearby city and surrounding countryside, as it describes in the diary, the flames of faith would have burst into life. As it happened Fr Buckley had a small group of visiting priests with him that night. John called to his house to meet them and introduce them to the Flame of Love. We thank Our Blessed Mother for bringing all together that night and pray it may have sown the seeds of growth for the spreading of the effect of grace.
Written by Joe Sheehan, National Treasurer, Flame of Love Movement Ireland
Unity prayer cards were placed on each seat before Mass. Some familiar faces from Catholic conferences and other churches in Cork appeared. The word had spread. Fr Con led a joyful celebration of Holy Mass enhanced by song. John addressed the congregation for about 10 minutes in place of a homily. In his address, John provided an introduction to the Flame of Love, reminding those listening why it is so needed for our country and for our youth at this time. John invited those who wished to learn more to stay on for a while afterwards. At the end of Mass all joined in praying the unity prayer
About twenty people took up the invitation to remain at the front of the church afterwards. Many were engrossed in what they were hearing as John spoke for about 45 minutes. The brisk sale of literature at the back afterwards was an indication of how much the message connected. There was a real interest in finding out more and a desire to tell others. There was a sense that a chord had been struck. One got the feeling that for many they recognised perhaps there is a way to deliver our country and our youth from the mess. May the effect of grace of the Flame of Love spread over all of Ireland.
Written by Joe Sheehan
LETTERKENNY – Monday 27th May
John attended morning Mass in the Cathedral in Letterkenny and also joined in rosary after Mass. The Priest announced that John would give a talk in the conference room after Mass, all were welcome to attend,
The Mass and Rosary were very well attended given that it was a Monday morning, a Ray of Hope. About 18/19 people attended talk. One family attended with young children of primary school age. They attended the full session, purchased literature, didn’t accept change and engaged John in conversation after the talk.
John gave a powerful talk, whilst some had to leave before his talk completed, the majority stayed and were very engaged. One lady had already attended our conference in St John’s centre, Knock. John was engaged by many after his talk. Some were waiting on him at the church gates. Many were interested in our literature and sales were made. A spark was ignited. Thank God. Our Lady will fan it into flame. We thank Geraldine Durey for her feedback on the event.
Written by Frances Devaney, Spokesperson, Flame of Love Movement Ireland
The Retreat Centre was very comfortable and one of the Carmelite community attended John’s talk which again was very informative and engaged the audience’s attention.
We had about 30 people attending, and all were actively engaged, with many questions asked in Q and A at the end of talk. Many people chatted together and with John after the talk, it was all very positive. Interest in literature was good. We received the Best of Derry Welcomes with tasty food and great company. Geraldine Durey informed us of the good news that she has set up a Flame of Love cenacle in Derry. ❤️ Derry is on fire for the Lord in many areas of ministry – Praise God, the Flame is truly lit. Once again, thanks to Geraldine Durey for her help.

Written by Frances Devaney, Spokesperson Flame of Love Movement Ireland
Physical Cenacles
We have a number of physical Cenacles and Flame of love rosary groups around the country. They are in Roscrea, Sligo Town, Tullamore, Portlaoise, Kells, 2 in Limerick and a new one in the Central Catholic Library, Dublin 2.
In Northern Ireland we have Cenacles in Newry, Newcastle, Lurgan and a new one in Derry and more opening soon.
If you would like details on any of these please email info@flameoflove.ie If you would like to register your Flame Of Love Cenacle or rosary group so others can find you please get in touch.
Online Cenacles
Day & Time Leader
Sunday 7pm Eileen Boden
Monday 11am Claire Ozzy
Tuesday 7am Various Leaders
Tuesday 7.30 pm Joe Sheehan
Friday 7pm Claire Ozzy
These Cenacles (prayer groups) take place on the Jitsi.meet app. New and old members always welcome. This is the meeting name: https://meet.jit.si/folcar23
A Passage from The Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindlemann – Heading: ‘My Adorable Jesus’
Pg 125, January 2nd, 1963
I was at the Mariaremete Santuary (Hermitage of Mary) for the hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I was plunged into silent prayer when the Lord Jesus spoke these words with gratitude: Jesus: “Say and constantly repeat, ‘My adored Jesus.’ I have told you before how pleasant it is to Me, and even if you say nothing else for a whole hour, repeat it with repentance for your sins. This obtains many graces, forgiveness for sins, and provides peace for souls.” Those words were uttered in the plural and He asked that I pass this on at every opportunity.
This passage was read at our Cenacle of 23rd June and it is so beautiful that We said we would include it in our June Newsletter. There are so many times in the diary when Elizabeth speaks about spending time in Eucharistic Adoration. The passage is self explanatory and shows us that we do not need many words to Adore Jesus as he would like.
Flame of love Pilgrim Statue
We are delighted to announce that our Pilgrim Statue of Our Blessed Mother has started on her journey in Ireland. Her first stop is in Paulstown, Co. Kilkenny and from there she will travel to Limerick. If you would like our Lady to visit your home and prayer group please email info@flameoflove.ie.
We have received a prayer request from John Sullivan, the International Coordinator for the Flame of Love. John’s father, also, called John, has pneumonia and they have been informed that he has only a few weeks left to live. John had plans to visit Mexico and Canada and then to Africa in August. We bring John and his family in prayer to God and trust in His love and Mercy.
The Flame of Love and Medjugorje
We live in difficult and and yet privileged times but we can rest assured that Our Heavenly Mother will stay with us in our difficult moments as she stayed with her Beloved Son in his. Many people joined Mary’s call to a 9 day Novena for peace from 16th to 24th June either privately, in families, churches, prayer groups and online, and we at the Flame of love also met in our online rosary room to add our prayers for peace. This was a special grace filled 9 days. We were joined by old friends and new and on day 8 had a beautiful night were we prayed in English, As Gaeilge and in Slovak. The 9 days of Our Lady’s apparitions are available to view on Mary TV Medjugorje under the 43rd Anniversary videos.
Our Lady’s parting message to us is ‘Continue!
What is next for the Flame of Love in Ireland?
We will continue to pray and to ask Our Lady for guidance on our journey. One of the fruits of the Conference is that we have 2 new members who joined the FOL leaders group, Kate from Monasterevin, Kildare and Rachel who is a member of both Limerick Cenacles. We give thanks to God for our new members who are a welcome addition to our team of volunteers. Please let us know if you would also like to be more involved.
If you would like the gift of the Miracle of the Flame of Love to come to your parish or prayer group please get in touch.
The Flame of Love hope to have some members present at:
- ‘Rally for Life‘ in Dublin on Saturday 6th July 2024.
2. Many people were touched by John Sullivan’s teachings, to hear John speak again, listen and pray along with our International Leaders Cenacle on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 1am Irish time
on Facebook page: FOLPPHILIPPINES or
3. The Flame of Love will have a presence at the Light the Fire event on the 4th August from 12-4pm. It takes place in Ballintuber Abbey, Mayo this year.
Thank you for helping to spread Our Lady’s Flame of Love.
Please keep the Flame of Love family in your prayers.
The Flame of Love Irish Movement