Dear Flame of Love Devotees,
In response to Our Lady’s continued request to pray, pray, pray, we are Introducing an All-Ireland Flame of Love Rosary. We will begin this Friday 25th November because it is the day that is commonly called, ‘Black Friday’ (referring to the start of the retail sales and marketing campaigns that encourage people to shop and spend for Christmas and overlook the true meaning – The Birth of Our Lord.) We will continue to and include the 15th of December (which begins the Octave of Christmas). May our united prayers Blind Satan.
We will begin to host and pray FOUR ROSARY MYSTERIES A DAY (except Sundays) with the FLAME OF LOVE ROSARY
DATES: Beginning Friday the 25th of November to and including the 15th of December (to review and resume again in 2023)
DAILY TIMES: 7 AM, 3 PM, 8 PM and 11 PM
WHERE: https://meet.jit.si/folirlrosaryea
We will pray the 4 mysteries of the Rosary Daily in the following way:
- 3:00 PM – This will also be a HOLY HOUR of Eucharistic Adoration. We will begin with 5 minutes of silence, then we will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the FLAME OF LOVE SORROWFUL ROSARY. The remainder of the hour will be spent in silence with Our Lord.
- 8:00 PM – This will also be a HOLY HOUR of Eucharistic Adoration. We will pray the GLORIOUS FLAME OF LOVE ROSARY. The remainder of the hour will be spent in silence with Our Lord.
We are looking for Rosary Leaders to Volunteer for these 4 daily time slots.
TO VOLUNTEER TO LEAD A ROSARY: Let us know your preferred day/time via: No experience leading necessary because we will supply you with prayer sheets!
- EMAIL US – info@flameoflove.ie
- WhatsApp – follow this link to the newly created WhatsApp Flame of Love Rosary Group. Clink the link below to reply using WhatsApp:https://chat.whatsapp.com/IY3CngbShgB8O7XXHLd6BH
If you have any further questions email us at info@flameoflove.ie or speak to your Cenacle Leader.
(This can be an opportunity to invite others to learn about Our Lady’s Flame of Love Movement. Please consider inviting your parish and prayer groups, your family and friends to come together to pray for an outpouring of graces to blind Satan and save souls at this time.)
The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in the Sacrament of Love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and contemplation that is full of faith…May our adoration never cease.” (St Pope John Paul II)
- Part II of our FLAME OF LOVE RETREAT SERIES: Building on Solid Rock – The Greatest Miracle from 1-3pm Saturday 10th December 2022:
This is the second of our International Flame of Love Retreat Series hosted by John Sullivan, Assistant International Coordinator scheduled for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa time zones (EMEA).
If you have not yet REGISTERED for this Retreat Series, you may do so NOW by emailing info@flameoflove.ie and letting us know of your interest. Anyone that is registered will be sent the participation materials the day before the event and the link to participate live.
- The Link to the RECORDING of the First of the BUILDING ON SOLID ROCK – Getting Love Right Retreat on 12 November is now available in the two links below. Click on each link to watch the recording or paste the address into your browser.
Why the Flame of Love? So much more than just another prayer devotion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORuXaicf33w
Meditation on the Five Wounds – The What of Salvation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d6xqQi55xg - Check out our NEW IRISH FLAME OF LOVE WEBSITE (www.flameoflove.ie) Either click on this link or copy and paste the address into your web browser.
- Social Media NEWS: We are updating Flame of Love Ireland FACEBOOK (click here or copy and paste the name into your web browser.) and Flame of Love Ireland INSTAGRAM (click here or copy and paste the name into your web browser).
Claire Turley has generously volunteered to help to manage these Flame of Love social media platforms. We will be able to post more regularly about upcoming events, and prayer times bother here in Ireland and Internationally. Thank you Claire for sharing your time and talents! If you have anything that you would like to share, you may reach Claire either from Facebook or Instagram or by emailing her at smedia@flameoflove.ie
Jesus: “Help Me even more to free the suffering souls. I always share with you my eternal thoughts. Realise that even this short time is useful…This sharing in My work of Redemption is filled with merits. You see how I simplify what I ask of all of you. Everyone can fulfil my eternal thoughts.” (17 July 1964)
“May Our lips pray together to gain Mercy from the Eternal Father”
From the Leadership Team of Our Lady’s Flame of Love Movement IRELAND,
Kielty Oberlin, National Director, Geraldine Halton, Secretary, Joe Sheehan, Treasurer; Eileen Boden, Spokesperson; Frances Devaney, Spokesperson; Marie Kelly, Literature Distribution; Claire Turley, Social Media; Dymphna Largey; Alice Gibson