The Holy Spirit Guides Us in Every Choice and Decision by Marie Kelly
I heard about the Flame of Love Movement through the 32 County Prayer Group during Covid (early 2021). I prayed the Flame of Love rosary on my own initially and then joined a Flame of Love Virtual Cenacle. I felt a strong urge to bring the Flame of Love Devotion to my own parish – Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. I think that this inspiration may have come from my consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was a ‘consecration pact’ – my part was to bring souls to Jesus and Jesus’s part was to look after my personal interests. The more I would keep ‘my part’, the more Jesus would look after my interests.
A friend and I had already set up ‘Mothers Prayers’ in St. Cronan’s, Roscrea and we were holding our meetings in the Parish Centre there. I was also a member of the Legion, and of Joan Buckley’s Monthly Prayer Group in Moneygall through which I had met others who had helped me along my spiritual path.
My desire to bring this devotion to my parish led me to join the virtual Flame of Love Leadership Meetings, and to get to know the leaders of this devotion which was in its early set-up phase in Ireland in 2022. Initially one of our leaders, Frances Devaney, was going to give the Introduction to the Flame of Love in Roscrea. Then John Sullivan, Assistant International Co-Ordinator of the Flame of Love Movement (who is based in the U.S.) announced that he would join us in the Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry for our Formal Launch and First Day of Prayer, Formation and Fellowship on 7th May, 2022. John said that he would stay in Ireland for six more days and give Introductory Presentations on the Flame of Love wherever we could organise to hold them.
About six weeks before the Introduction in Roscrea I was nominated to the Parish Council in my parish. I believe that this was Our Lady putting me in touch with others to help plan and promote the event.
I had the privilege of having John stay at my house for two nights whilst giving the Introduction in St. Cronan’s Catholic Church, Roscrea on Sunday, 8th May. John introduced the Flame of Love Devotion at the 11.30 mass to a full church. Then we had a longer session at 4pm which was attended by 70 people who came from various surrounding towns as well as from Roscrea itself. After the formal introduction was over a group formed around John and they had further discussions with John for an hour or so.
A Flame of Love cenacle commenced in my parish shortly after the Introduction. We have had seven members from the commencement. We meet at 7.30pm every Wednesday in the Parish Centre, St. Cronan’s Catholic Church, Roscrea. One lady in our group had been praying the Flame of Love rosary with her family for 3-4 years having heard about the Devotion on EWTN. She had not met anyone else in the Flame of Love Movement previous to the Introduction to the Devotion in Roscrea.
Anyone who would like to join us on a Wednesday evening is most welcome.
Our Lady and Jesus placed people around me to help prior to the Introduction, on the day of the Introduction and later to set up the cenacle in Roscrea. It is amazing how God places the people we need around us when we do something to promote his interests.
After our Dromantine Retreat a volunteer was needed to distribute our Flame of Love Literature. I felt urged again by the Holy Spirit to take on this role which would help to bring souls to Jesus. Again this was accomplishing ‘my part of the Sacred Heart Consecration Pact’ which I had taken three years ago. These are not coincidences, but God-Incidences and they happen every day!
Come Holy Spirit, come, come by means of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Marie Kelly is our Distribution of Literature Coordinator Volunteer
When you order literature, Marie Kelly is the person who will be sending it out to you!