Ignite the Hearts of Our Youth and Unite Families with Flame of Love Ireland

This May, Our Mother is Inviting You to Receive her Miracle in Knock, Ireland

Receive her gift and learn how to:

  • Drive the deepest sins out of our lives,
  • Bring our loved ones back to the faith,
  • Save our families,
  • Save our country!

Friday 17th May 2024

St John’s Welcome Centre, Knock, Co Mayo – 9AM to 6PM

All are welcome to receive the Flame of Love in an Introduction Event. Registration is Encouraged. Admission is free.

FRIDAY AGENDA - St John's Welcome Centre

**Participants will have an opportunity to meet with the Flame of Love Speakers, Irish Leadership team and meet others called by Our Mother to ignite hearts and promote her cause to save the country and the whole world.

Saturday, 18th May 2024

Knock House Hotel, Knock, Co Mayo – 9AM to 3PM

Join us for a day of Formation to grow deeper in living the Flame of Love. Knock House Hotel. Registration is Required as space is limited. Cost is €30.00 per person and can be paid via our PayPal Donation link or by emailing us alternative payment methods.

SATURDAY AGENDA - Knock House Hotel

**Participants will have an opportunity to meet with the Flame of Love Speakers, Irish Leadership team and meet others called by Our Mother to ignite hearts and promote her cause to save the country and the whole world.


  • If you would like to attend, please EMAIL US at conference@flameoflove.ie letting us know what day(s) (eg: FRIDAY ONLY, SATURDAY ONLY or BOTH DAYS) you will be attending. Please include the NAME of EACH ATTENDEE and their EMAIL ADDRESS (or other contact information if they do not have email) so that we can forward welcome material closer to the date.
  • For those who are undecided whether they are able to attend, but would like to receive more information about this conference and any upcoming events, please email us with this information as well. 
  • FRIDAY’S event in St John’s Welcome Centre is free, however, spaces are limited for the Flame of Love Formation Day in Knock House Hotel on SATURDAY and we ask €30.00 per person to cover the conference costs. You may pay using the PayPal button at the bottom of the Registration Form. This will direct you to our Secure PayPal account.
  • If you have any questions or difficulties, please send us an Email.

To PAY for Saturday's Flame of Love Formation Day

You may pay: 

1) PayPal (You may simply click on our donate button on this page)

2) Electronic Transfer (IBAN: IE96 AIBK 934194 48302059)

***Please include the name of each attendee for whom you are paying and that the amount is to contribute toward FOL Conference Fees.

3) If you need an alternative method of payment, Please Email us.

** You may pay for more than one person. However, please remember to include the Name of Each Attendee that you are paying for in the comment section of the PayPal Payment Form or the Electronic Bank Transfer.

** Please email us directly if you need assistance or have any questions.

Mary: "With this Flame full of graces that I give you from my heart, ignite all the hearts in the entire country. Let this Flame go from heart to heart. This is the miracle becoming the blaze whose dazzling light will blind Satan."
The Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann
April 13th, 1962


We look forward to meeting you in Knock on the 17th & 18th of May

Fr Joseph Fazio, LC – Chaplain

Fr. Joseph is from New York City, USA.  After serving in the US Navy he joined the Legion in 1993.  His formation began in Connecticut, continued in Rome and he gained pastoral experiences as well in Mexico, Argentina and Switzerland.  Finally he was ordained in the Eternal City on the 24th of December of 2005 and thus began his priestly ministry in Cuernavaca, Mexico.  Since then he has also carried out ministries in California, Louisiana and Indiana.  He has been in Dublin since 2015. He is the Chaplain of Dublin Oak Academy. Fr Fazio has been available to the Irish Flame of Love Movement’s Leadership team since its launch in 2022 as Chaplain and participant.


John A. Sullivan III, International Coordinator

As the Movement’s International Coordinator living in New York, USA, an important part of John’s role is to help nations establish a local presence under local leadership focused on serving the Church in countries throughout the world. John was instrumental in helping the Flame of Love Movement’s leadership team launch the Movement in 2022. We are delighted to be able to invite John back to witness the fertile soil our Blessed Mother’s Flame of Love has found in Ireland and to help to further fuel the Flame of Love in the hearts of all in Ireland.

Kathy Sinnott, Mother, Grandmother and former Public Representative

Kathy is a mother and grandmother, former public representative and a staunch defender of human rights in disability, life and family matters over many years. Kathy was a member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2009. She is a woman of deep faith and has contributed to Catholic features on various media including EWTN.  She was also central to the launch of the Rosary on the Coast for Life and Faith initiative.  Kathy writes regular articles in Totus Tuus magazine, including writing about the Flame of Love and co-presents the nightly rosary for Ireland on Radio Maria with Fr Marius O’Reilly.


Kielty Oberlin, PhD, National Coordinator Ireland

Kielty Oberlin, PhD is the first National Coordinator for the Flame of Love Movement in Ireland. She resides in Co Kilkenny where she is active in her parish serving in multiple church ministries and is the former Chair of the Board of Management for the local parish school. Kielty has worked in Ireland in the field of Psychology for the past 25 years. In this capacity she works with youth, adults and families individually and in group settings as part of her private practice. She is a regular university guest lecturer, author, trainer and media spokesperson regarding psychological matters. Kielty is a frequent guest on Radio Maria Ireland and recently on Shalom World discussing issues of mental health from a Catholic perspective.


Antoinette Moynihan, Founder, Children of the Eucharist (COTE)  (Friday only)

Antoinette Moynihan, Founder, Children of the Eucharist (COTE) (Friday only) Children of the Eucharist is a mission to enhance the faith of children by guiding them gently in quiet prayer in the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Antoinette began Children of the Eucharist (COTE) in her own parish in Co Meath in 2012 and then introduced it to several other schools in her diocese. Interest in the programme has grown so that COTE is now in schools all over Ireland and internationally.


Christine O’Hara, Student Rosary Leader, Fatima First Saturday Leader, Secondary School Teacher (Saturday only)

Christine set up a Rosary Group in her secondary school in 2022. Her school now has three Rosary groups that meet each week. She also started a Eucharistic Adoration Club in her school. She leads a Children’s Rosary Group (up to age 14-years-old) in her parish. She leads two Fatima First Saturday groups in two different parishes. Christine has written for Totus Tuus Magazine and will be featured on EWTN later this year.


Brother John Benedict Torres Enrico, Flame of Love Movement, Philippines (Saturday only)

Brother John is a seminarian in the Two Heart Mission and has been instrumental in the formation of the Movement in the Philippines. Brother John graduated with a 
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from
Mater Redemptorist College and completed his Theology
Major in Missiology from 
San Carlos Seminary Graduate School of Theology. He also studied for his Master of Arts in Liturgy from San Beda University Graduate School of Liturgy and trained in Counselling CEFAM with Ateneo De Manila University. He is a Member, Flame of Love Philippines and a Member, Healing Ministry of Our Lady of Guadalupe Philippines.

It will be a blessed opportunity to meet those we have been praying with and meeting newcomers to the Flame of Love our Mother’s Immaculate Heart. We pray that we may enrich and support one another in living and spreading the Flame of Love throughout this country. We ask for your prayers for the success of the day and look forward to hearing from you.

We will be sending out emails to those who registered with information regarding booking accommodation, where to eat and Knock Shrine services during Pentecost Weekend closer to the time.

God Bless,

On Behalf of The Leadership Working Group

It will be a blessed opportunity to meet those we have been praying with and meeting newcomers to the Flame of Love our Mother's Immaculate Heart. We pray that we may enrich and support one another in living and spreading the Flame of Love throughout this country. We ask for your prayers for the success of the day and look forward to hearing from you.

We will be sending out emails to those who registered with information regarding booking accommodation, where to eat and Knock Shrine services during Pentecost Weekend closer to the time.

God Bless,

On Behalf of The Leadership Working Group

Flame of Love Movement Ireland